Sunday, December 12, 2010

Weekend Update

Janya and I snuck away for twenty-four hours for an overnight in Lake Charles. I was a lot of fun; boy, did we need it with the last few months we've had! I was a bit concerned about the flooring in the casinos causing problems with my OCD - click here to read about my panic attack in Vegas - but I did okay.

We made it out of Houston Friday afternoon with very little traffic, which put us in good moods. But then, I got a text that upset me, and my mood went downhill from there. We were pretty silent for about 30 minutes, and I was able to get my spirits back up when we realized that we were about an hour ahead of schedule.

Now, if I can just stop thinking about Clint on The Apprentice (see post above.) I brought it up in the car for the umpteenth time last night - Janya's response was, "Oh, no, here we go again" - and I made a vow to Janya that I wouldn't say it again, how he should have won, blah, blah, blah. But I told her, "I am not going to say it again, but I just want you to know that I am thinking it." Do any of you ever hear that "oh, no, here we go again" line from your family or friends?

If you want to hear more about our trip, just e-mail me, and I 'll send you a link to my personal blog. I hope to put the highlights up there soon. I try to just address OCD on Around and Around.


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